Tren De Aragua is a Venezuelan gang pouring across our porous southern border. They have settled in many cities and have started taking over very small sections of the Denver Metro area. Tren can pose a threat to churches in the Denver Metro area. It was much easier to do a video on the threat than to type out all of the available information. I suggest all of you, regardless if you are in Denver or not, watch the video as this threat is spreading rapidly to other parts of the country.
The chances of something happening at your church is slim, but it isn’t zero. Keep this info in the back of your head, keep your churches open for new worshipers and work a little harder at keeping the darkness at bay.
Democrats Playing the Hunger Games in the Worse Cities in America
Thank you Keith very much for ALL the training information , your professionalism, and dedication that you bring for church security, and especially your faith in Jesus Christ!