No one has a more reasonable and rational approach to the immediate threat facing all houses of worship than Keith Graves. We will see violent military grade style attacks on churches and synagogues in the coming months and it was no surprise to see that the ISIS Islamic Death Cult fashioned an attack in a city, with serious weapons, against an unarmed populace. Worship security teams, that you know need to be informed and the best way to do that is by sharing Christian Warrior Training with the people who will share it. Keith Graves message shared will protect many parishes, congregations and communities.

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Sorry bout no sub but 2 jobs, retirement and still broke but will once I get my thing out of pawn shop and have free money but really enjoy your content

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Sep 7·edited Sep 12Author

UPDATE: I just comped you a lifetime subscription so you can see the hidden stuff.

Brother, please don’t. I’m good. God finds a way to provide for what we are doing. You’ll get great info without paying. Spending on you and your family.

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He wouldn't expect you to subscribe if you can't afford it.

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So, what? No big deal.

Besides, our government was out there in the trenches and on the front lines keeping us safe from those agitators at school board meetings.

Don’t be such an ingrate.

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Church in Washington informed. Most people on the fence. Apathy, complacency and afluenzia (wealth and plenty) puts them to sleep. Thanks for the heads up.

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Your YouTube channel has 100K followers, congratulations! Thanks so much for all you do for the Christian community.

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We made it! Thank you for all of your support!

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Keith, what is the best site/page to go to to get DOJ/DHS updates or email alerts for faith based organizations? Thank you for what you do.

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Really good question. Wouldn’t be nice of our government actually gave us that information? I get all of my info from the press or from bulletins sent to local police.

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Thanks Keith for the info and never too many warnings: don’t want to be like Admiral Kimmel at Pearl Harbor in 1941 who ignored repeated warnings. I am concerned that what the FBI and DOJ are releasing in info is only the “looneybin” one offs who operate poorly and get easily caught. Where is the info on the centrally directed combined arms moves like Hamas did to Israel? The FBI is acting like there is nothing of the sort going on; however, I always follow the money and it takes a lot of resources to fund the high volume of hamas, Iranian, Chinese, etc. terrorists that are coming across our Southern border. Why isn’t the ATF, for instance, releasing info on illegal arms being intercepted crossing the Southern Border and discussion of terrorist training camps inside the USA. Anyway, thanks for the latest info and I will make sure I carry enough resources at church that I don’t run “dry”. Best Wishes and standing by waiting for my tax money paid to the three letter agencies to start producing results.

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Keep the emails coming. I truly appreciate your updates sir! Semper Fidelis ext Deus!

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Thank you for the heads up, people just have to listen, and not get stuck with their heads in the sand. God Bless you all who protect and serve. Thank you again.

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