I find it ridiculous that the military complains about it. If a product has a pentagram on it, are Christian soldiers going to reject a rifle scope because of that? How many LEO's refuse to wear the badge because it contains a symbol that some consider to be the sign of Lucifer? Likewise, I wear a uniform that has the Staff of Aesculapius on it, which is a pagan deity. Worse yet, some of our equipment has the Caduseus on it. This is the "charmer" who charms the two snakes into not fighting, and is also the conductor of souls to their subterranean abode. It is the sign of the "slick salesman."

If you look at military insignia in general, there are all kinds of symbols tied to pagan Greek mythology and devil worship.

So, we have the symbols of pagan gods all over the place, and are required to wear them, but someone's nose is out of joint because "JN 8:12" is microprinted on a scope?

Get a life!

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How could you choose just one. I'd want them all. Those are all good verses. I'm in favor of what Trijicon is doing. Too bad so many in our country are blind. I just wished then engraved pistols but then which verse. They are all good. :)

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I was in the Army when the big hullabaloo came about. I remember wondering how Bible verses that most never even knew existed were considered proselytizing (they are rather subdued and no one is forced to look them up if they DID notice them). But I now own several personal Trijicon products for my own and my family’s firearms.

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God said “in these days He would give us ideas, inventions, words, insight, wisdom, and a whole lot more. This seems to me to be one of those: the word gets out in the everyday world.

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Trigicon is doing a great service to the world. I pray for their continued success!

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Thank you for sharing! Once saved we are to be set apart from the rest of world. Scripture is what we are to use to maintain our kingdom focus, preventing us from traps of the world. The more time spent in the word the the better

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This is a fantastic practice and I particularly love that Trijicon did it without fanfare!

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Simply - I love it.

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So a little persecution and they make it a option. If I owned it would be on everything. Jesus said we would be persecuted.

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I remember when this controversy over Scripture blew up, and as a soldier in Christ I'd love having inscriptions on my gear, and if some people find it offensive let them have unmarked gear. But I draw the line where unbelievers try to dictate to me what I can or can't do. Acts 5:29

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I served 24 years in the United States military. I would hate to be operational with anyone who would find offense with the Bible verse that I have on my weapon.

Secular America no longer thinks that warriors have the mental capacity to think for themselves. It is more acceptable to curse, to be profane and to have signs of the grim reaper and destruction then inspirational signs of faith in obedience.

It is sad, that the talking heads of this world think that Christianity is so powerful, that it can brainwash someone and to following with just a simple Bible verse. That kind of warrior, needs to go home, if a simple Bible verse can drive you into being brainwashed into a religion you don't want.

This company has a grand idea and I supported. I support them and their pursuit to exercise freedom of religion in America. I caution them, any further compromises will paint them into a dark corner they may not be able to recover from in this new age America.

Please, recommend other companies that support biblical values. Where can we buy weapons, ammunition, accessories, from people who still believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. One nation, under God.

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I don't see anything wrong with placing scripture on their products. They are a private company and shouldn't shrug from pressure from outside agencies. In & Out Burgers prints scripture on their cups and containers. They have been doing it as long as I can remember. God bless them.

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Psalm 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

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I like seeing encouraging scriipture on products that I buy. It takes more than a casual glance at a

scripture to win someone to the Lord. They are using a thin argument and not supported by our founding fathers for sure.

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As a Veteran it was common knowledge in a war zone thaat there "Are No Atheists in Foxholes." In my mind, if you don't like it, you don't have to read the verse on the side of the scope.

Obviously the verse is not etched into the lens of the scope!

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Praise God for Godly companies that include scripture with their products. They should not capitulate to minority public pressure.

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