Just got started on your site. So far the training is excellent. Been doing this at my church for about four years and is nice to know we have been addressing the situation in the same manner as you.

Can you make you Power point slides, in your training videos, available for printing, to use for review, with my team, at a later date? If they are available please let me know how. Thanks

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As a senior chaplain, I was trained by the best.

Originally IFOC, plus additional training under FEMA.

So I had a lot of good training and good role models and understand the importance of the training with our church.

I'm kind of aggressive based on the things that you said on YouTube.

I'm all about my ABCs

And will share this with my Pastor.

Out of approximately 100 people attending, we currently only have two maybe three people that are carrying and consider themselves security.

I am also going to offer myself up to this church because of my previous FEMA and police training.

So what you covered I already knew but it's nice to know that there's somebody like you training other people and doing the right thing at the right time.

I know that if it came down to giving my life up because of somebody coming into our church, I would be one of the first ones to act without hesitation.

I was also blessed to get all the police training including nims, cism, ICS

My only goal is to direct my pastor to your site and then we can all be enlightened by what I consider some of the best training because it falls in line with my core values.

I want to say thank you for doing what you do because I know it saves lives as long as you know what you're doing and who you're doing it with.

Thanks Keith

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This site is great! It has really helped a lot with training and development of our safety team. I thank you for all you do, Keeping us safe in today's crazy world. You are a blessing, Keep up the good work!

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I would like to have copies of your slides from the de-escalation class to use as handouts for my team. Any way to get those?

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I can log into this page but when I try to sign up for a training class it says invalid credentials wtf? This has been going on all day and it’s getting old

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Joey, the system is pretty straight forward, but it may work best with Chrome. Make sure you are logging in over at courses.christianwarriortraining.com. If that all still doesn’t work, clear your cache and that should work.

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